Saturday, December 31, 2011

Aquarelle - "Red Translucent Rose"

My Last  Painting for 2011
December 31, 2011 - January 12, 2012

After creating a birthday card for Chin, I drew my fourth watercolor painting. This is actually the same rose that I sketched. However, Jay told me that my background was kinda messy so I changed the background to almost black. 

PAPER : Strathmore 300 series 11 x 15 inches

Aquarelle - "A Tiny Birthday Card for Christal"

PAPER : Strathmore 400 series 

It's MY ME's (Chin) birthday (Jan 1)! I bought her two watercolor brushes ('coz she also likes watercolor) and painted this tiny greeting card for her. I kinda smudged her name though. But I hope she likes it. :)

Aquarelle - "Purple Eye"

DECEMBER 28, 2011

PAPER : Strathmore 300 series 11 x 15 inches

As promised, I painted my eye sketch. Why purple? Well, I love purple but for this painting, purple reminds me of two things: first is Christ; and second is my mom. My mom used to tell me that she likes this certain girl (I forgot the name) coz of her purple eyes. 

Esquisse - "Ambivalence"

DECEMBER 28, 2011
PAPER : Regular Bond Paper (Size 8 1/2 x 11 inches)

I'm so delighted with my rose bud so I was more enthusiastic to draw the next day. While waiting for my boring day to end, I drew this eye in the office. And I'll be honest,  I got this from youtube. 

I also promised myself, "I'll paint this eye sketch later tonight."

For the last time, I put the wrong month. Geeezz.. Pleaseee. It's December already, not November. -.- What's wrong with me. LOL!

Here's the youtube link btw: 
How to Draw Realistic Eye (Time Lapse)

Aquarelle - "Two-Color Rose Bud"

DECEMBER 28, 2011

PAPER : Strathmore 300 series 11 x 15 inches

My Second Watercolor Attempt.
After  watching several videos of watercolor painting techniques in youtube, I tried  to paint again and ended up with this rose bud. And I'm glad that it's better than my first one. 

And for the third time, I put 11 (nov) in the date instead of 12 (Dec). I really don't know why. LOL.

Esquisse - "Lovely Rose"

DECEMBER 27, 2011

After being disappointed by my first watercolor painting, I went back to sketching and ended up with this rose.

And once again, I put november instead of december in the date. -.-

PAPER : Regular Bond Paper (Size 8 1/2 x 11)

Aquarelle - "First Rose"

FIRSTS are always the hardest. But, DON'T QUIT!

This is the first time that I tried using watercolor as my medium. I started painting when my mom told me that my dad was a painter. Realizing that both my parents are artists, I wanted to know if I inherited both of their talents. So I did this rose.

Honestly, I didn't really like it that much. LOL! But my mom already told me that I'd really get disappointed with my very first painting. The first is always the hardest since I'm still trying to get my pulse and the feel of my medium, thus I shouldn't stop.  My mom also encouraged me and told me that I'll do better next time. 

The date is Dec. 26, 2011 btw. I don't know why I had 11 instead of 12 in it. :D

PAPER : Strathmore 300 series 11 x 15 inches

Esquisse - "Bloom"

August 18, 2011

This is the second time that I tried to draw a rose.

Esquisse - "First Eye"

This is the first time that I tried to draw a realistic eye. My boyfriend, Jay, was the one who taught and inspired me how to draw.

 I got this drawing from youtube though.